Annette Luyben

Annette Luyben, 81
Annette has been a go-getter forever and isn’t slowing down! She founded the KC Chiefs Cheerleaders organization. She has worked for more than 40 years in her family business, Luyben Music, and she recently established three endowed scholarships at the UMKC Conservatory of Music. She is very active at the Conservatory, meeting with all students and encouraging them throughout their time there. She also has endowed a cancer scholarship at the KU Cancer Center. She is very active in her sorority, Alpha Delta Pi, recently serving as president. Annette also heads an organization called Normandy NKC, which takes one junior from each high school in North Kansas City to Normandy each year to study the history of World War II. Annette truly is a “cheerleader” for students in high school and college, always thinking of new ways to make life better for those in need of education.