Kathy Bock Scaletty

Kathy Bock Scaletty, 71
Kathy is a nurse who served as the Director of Health and Home Services at the original KC Shepherd’s Center for eight years. As a Red Cross Disaster nurse, she helped with communications in the Hyatt tragedy, and also helped during the Platte City floods and with blood pressure clinics. She then served as Director of Health and Home Services for Shepherd’s Center of America. She taught nursing at the Research College of Nursing for 23 years, where she developed the Gerontological Nursing Curriculum. She has served on the board of the Mid-American Congress on Aging and has been active with the American Nurses Association and Soroptimists. More recently, Kathy has continued her community service with COVID vaccine distribution, volunteering at Operation Breakthrough and serving six years on the Board of Shepherd’s Center of America. She is also studying Italian and learning to paint with watercolor. Through her work at Shepherd’s Center and teaching nursing students, she has had a valuable impact in promoting a most positive view of aging.