R.B. Miller III

R.B. Miller III, 77
R.B. has been a practicing attorney in the field of civil litigation for more than 50 years and is recognized as one of the most successful civil litigators in the Kansas City area. In addition, however, he has also been extraordinarily generous in devoting literally thousands of hours of pro bono legal time to a variety of civic and charitable causes. When he took senior counsel status with his law firm (Lathrop GPM, LLC) several years ago, he continued to practice law, but almost entirely for the benefit of indigent clients and charitable organizations. In 2021, he was awarded the coveted Pro bono Publico award by the Missouri Bar Association. He also works to help improve local neighborhoods through Kansas City’s Adopt-a-Neighborhood project. His efforts have resulted in the rehabilitation of numerous distressed and abandoned properties in the tri-Blenheim neighborhood in Kansas City’s core. In addition to his own extensive pro bono work, R.B. has served as an inspiration to many of his younger colleagues to emulate his example.